2025-2026 Student Scholarship Application

Student Scholarship Application

2025-2026 School Year

Please read all information carefully and review your application before you submit it, as some information on this form has changed from previous years.

To complete this application:

  1. Student must be a Georgia resident.
  2. Student must meet the State eligibility requirements.
  3. Student must be accepted to a qualifying private school for the year in which they are seeking a scholarship. For example, if your student is applying for a scholarship for the 2025-2026 school year, they must be accepted for the 2025-2026 school year before you apply. Applications for homeschool or homeschool hybrid organizations will not be considered.
  4. Student must complete the following application, including an essay explaining your service experience. We are not looking for perfection in your essay; we prefer a sincere account written in the students’ words. A quality photo showing the student serving others must be submitted with the application.

Student Information

Have you received a Learning to Serve Scholarship in the past?
How did you hear about Learning to Serve?
Mailing address *
Mailing address

Parent Information

* * *Note: This information is not used to determine eligibility. However, it is required for reporting scholarship demographic data to the GA Dept. of Revenue.

Confirmation of Eligibility

Please check all that apply:

School Information

If school is not listed, please choose "Other" and enter school name in the field.
If school is not listed, please choose "Other" and enter school name in the field.

Admissions Director Contact Information

Please enter the name, email and phone number for the Admissions Director of the private school where the student intends to enroll for 2024-2025.

Community Service Requirements

Each student is asked to submit an essay detailing their service experience, including a description of service, hours served, and lessons learned. The essay should be appropriate in length as determined by the student’s age.

The student’s essay must include:

* A full description of the service provided
* A description of the benefits provided
* A description of the individuals who benefited from the service
* A narrative description, in the student's own words, of what benefits they personally experienced in providing the service and what benefits they believe the recipient of the service enjoyed.
* A description of anecdotes and personal experiences that demonstrate the personal effect the service had on the student. How did the experience affect the student and develop the student’s character?

Maximum file size: 3MB

Maximum file size: 2MB

In submitting these materials, I certify that all of the information submitted in support of my application is complete and accurate to the best of my knowledge. False information will result in termination of the scholarship if granted.
I certify that the applicant has been accepted by the private school listed in this application as the intended school of enrollment for 2025-2026. The information provided by the applicant is complete and accurate to the best of my knowledge.